
We’re a team that specialises in PR
in the fields of culture, design, art and architecture.

Beautiful Work: exhibition of traditional crafts 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

  • Media relations

Needlework with a peacock’s feather, fish scales or smoked ceramics - all of this was to be seen at the exhibition Beautiful Work in November 2019 held in Prague’s Gallery 1. This was the first of what is to become an annual event focusing on living folk crafts and their artists. The exhibition took handwork out of the sentimental sphere of fairs and farmers’ markets. It restored modernity to it and demonstrated the great value of artefacts created through traditional techniques. PIARISTI performed media relations for the exhibition Beautiful Work.

"Culture needs publicity because without people it makes no sense. Thanks to the PIARISTI, many cultural projects are thriving. We greatly appreciate the highly professional approach, experience and personal commitment. For them, PR is not just a job, but above all an effort to support what they have taken on as their own. We thank them for that. They are truly exceptional."

Klára Hegerová — Krásná práce